Monday, 13 October 2014


So for my first post I though you guys could get to know me better by talking about my favourite books or series. This is in no particular order so let's get started.

1. Looking for Alaska and the Fault in out stars by John Green. 
So if you haven't heard of Johm Green yet what are you doing with your life?!? He has a way of completely tearing your heart apart and slowly putting it back together. The words on the pages flow beautifully and you can't help but fall in love with the carachters. Personally I like looking for Alaska better than the Fault in our stars because I found it easier to relate with Pudge and the Alaska more than with Hazel and Gus. 

2.The Mara Dyer series by Michelle Hodkin
Now I know that Mara Dyer is GOING to be a trilogy but I have not yet read the third and final book as it has not been released yet. Mara might not be my favourite female protagonist but Noah is definitely one of my favourite YA male character. I love the plot of this series and how disturbingly creepy these books are. 

3. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 

Cath is me I am Cath we are one. I absolutely fell head over heels in love with all the characters in this book. Cath was so easy to relate to and if Cath wasn't your kind of girl then there's so many more characters to pick from. Every sine character had a different personality then the other but they all came together beautifully in the end (except Nick I hate Nick). The way that Rainbow Rowell used a third person narative it made the novel just that much better. 

4. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. 
Now if you haven't read this or even seen the movie I don't know where you've been for the past like 10 years. Harry Potter over all just gives me the warm fuzzies when ever I open one up or even watch the movies. 

That's it those are my favourite novels if you have any recommendations or if you want to tell me about YOUR favourite books please feel free to!!! 

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