Sunday 24 May 2015


Hey guys this is another update post to tell you guys to follow my new bookstagram account!!!! 

Monday 18 May 2015

I'm back... Sort of

Wow I'm so sorry about being so inactive. I think I might start doing YouTube videos so if you would like to see that in the near future comment or something I have forgotten how blogspot works.  This is just an update post. I'm gonna start doing more uploads I've just been super busy but I'm sorry. 

Wednesday 1 April 2015


I luv d3 bookzzzz there awes0m3. Th3y r qu1t3 funnnn I l0v3 th3m. Als0 my fav0r1t3 b00k 1s 50 shad3s 0f Grey. 

Friday 13 February 2015

Dylan O'brien as Peter Parker?

  For those who might not have known I am a HUGE comic book and superhero nerd. Now Spider-man that's another story... He is my favourite super-hero and I couldn't pass up an opportunity to tell you guys about him I mean come on he is AMAZING (see what I did there, yeah I know I'm sorry). 

  As you may have heard earlier this week Sony and Marvel annouced that they would be forming a partnership and Marvel will be producing a new Spider-man reboot via 2017. They also annouced that he would have a "cameo" in a Marvel movie before getting his solo flick. All bets are on Captain America civil war because he does play a vital part in the story line of Civil War but that doesn't come out until 2016 and we want to know who will be the next Peter Parker or maybe there won't even be a Peter and Marvel will go for the MIles Morales back story instead. 

  The news has Spider-Man fans everywhere rejoicing but it is bitter sweet as I have mentionned earlier they are looking for someone NEW to play the comic book hero so that means bye-bye Andrew Garfield. I didn't dislike Andrew's portrayal of Peter but most of the appeal came from the on screen off screen chemistry he had with his co-star Emma Stone who played Gwen Stacy but spoiler alert Gwen falls to her death in the second movie of the Amazing spider-man franchise. So the franchise was deemed to fail because a big element of the plot line was Gwen and Peter's relationship other than him fighting over the top villains.

  Personally I think that they should go with Miles Morales as spider-man because we already know Peter's back story, parents leave him to protect him at his aunt's and uncle's,uncle Ben dies, he gets bitten, meets a pretty girl and fights various villains. Can we please give Peter a rest.. Miles Morales' back story is not as well-known so much that most people don't even he exists. When they think of Spider-man they think of Peter Parker.It would be fresh and new it would show off a whole new side to the Spider-man character. And Miles is not a boring character either he is just as interesting as Peter and some argue even more. Also there isn't that many black superheros out there and I think we need more. Just because not only white people can be heroic and it would bring a cultural element to the story line. 

  Last thing I would like to discuss is casting. If they go with Miles Morales I think Donals Glover would be perfect (#Donald4Spider-Man) but he would not be what Marvel is lokking for as they are lokking for a younger high school version of the hero. If they go for Peter Parker everyone is placing bets on Dylan O'brien now of course I would like him to get the part but I think it would be annoying for super fans like me who actually know who Spider-Man is because if they cast him a lot of 14 year old girls will be running off to see the teenage heart throb play a charater they have never heard of. Sure they know who SPider-Man is but they most likely have no clue what his secret identity or anything other than the fact that he is a superhero who use uses the ability of a spider to fight evil guys. But let's face it it would bring Marvela and Sony a lot of money because of Dylan's appeal to a younger aray of females (and males let's face it the guy is sooooooo attractive) Plus O'brien already has a franchise on his chest,that being the Maze Runner franchise. They already annouced a date for the scorch trial to be released and on top of that they already had to push back Teen Wolf which he co-stars in. I think taking the role of Peter Parker on top of that would be too much and he would have to drop projects. 

  That is my thought on the whole Spider-Man thing please feel free to tell me how I'm wrong about everything in the comments below...


Monday 26 January 2015

January/Febuary Book Haul (The I don't really know edition)

Yeah so like every booktuber or blogger out ther I have issues with book buying. This year I decided I wasn't going to go on any book buying bans but I am trying to get my TBR pile down to 50 which is highly unlikely will happen but I will try really hard. This month I purchased 5 physical books, which I got with a giftcard that I got for Christmas from my sister. I also got 2 ebooks for my kobo ereader.  First I will talk about physical books.

1. The book thief by Markus Zuzak
 I know I know I haven't read this yet but this year I made it one of my goals to read it. Everyone raids about this book and it has INSANE reviews on Goodreads. I actually don't know what this is about all I know is that it takes place during world war 2. I think it has something to do with a family hidding a jew in their house. I'm basing this on the trailer I kept seeing everywhere when the movie first came out. But other than that no idea. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to read this!!!!! Also my friend Monique absolutely LOVES this book so I'm excited. 

2. Fire with fire by Jenny Han and Siobahn Vivian

 I bought this because it was a $5 hardcover I mean HARDCOVER!! That like never happens where I live there is never any deals on books like that. Not gonna lie I haven't read Burn for Burn yet but I do own it so I will get onto that really soon. Ironically I got Burn for Burn for $5 too but it is only a paper back but doesn't matter I have two out of the three books and I got them for a whooping $10. But I think that Burn for Burn is about three girls getting revenge on different people or the same person I'm not sure. People have been saying it's kind of like John Tucker must die but in a book form. 

3. The Perks of being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

This is the part where I'm glad this is written and not spoken because I have NO idea how to pronounce Chbosky. Yes I haven't read this yet but I mean I will very soon I have it so now I can read it.  This is a book about Charlie who is dealing with depression I believe I'm not a 100 percent sure. Then he meets Sam and Patrick and they show him a whole different world. That's all I really know about it.

4.Ready player one by Ernest Cline

I bought this on a whim because of how much people put it on their top books of 2014 or whatever. This book is about a distopian which has this video game console called the oasis and the creator of the oasis dies before he died he left clues and whoever can find them gets his fortune or something like that I don't really know.

5. It's kind of a funny story by Ned Vizzini

Now I've been wanting/drooling over this book for like two years and I FINALLY got it!!! The book is about a teenager named Craig what checks into a mental hospital because he tries to commit suicide. He doesn't stay long but he meets really cool people. I've wanted this book because mental hospitals fascinate me. I don't really know why I guess it's because I'm really weird but I've always been curious about them and what it actually feels like to be in one. 
Now let's talk about the ebooks that I purchased. 

1. Mr Kiss and Tell by Rod Thomas and Jennifer Graham 

This is the second book in the Veronica Mars companion book series. I love Veronica Mars sososososososososo much it is one of my favourite shows if not my favourite. To read this you have to have seen the TV show and movie. This book is about a rape that happens in a hotel but the details aren't clear and the prime suspect was deported back to Mexico. Leave it to Veronica to solve the case. 

2.Alienated by Marissa Landers

I have absolutely no idea what this book is about and I'm too lazy to google it. I've never heard anyone talk about it but other thank Sasha over at a booktopia. I got it because it was $0.99 enough said.

Now to the Febuary part of the post during the month of Febuary I purchased 4 physical book and NO ebooks! 

1. Buffy the vampire slayer volume1
I absolutely ADORE Buffy (also one of my favourite shows) and when I saw this for a wooping $5 I was like you are coming home with me!!! This book is a bind up of three different Buffy novel all by different authors it includes Coyote moon,night if the living rerun and portal thru time. I am sooooooo excited to read this!!!!!

2.I'll Give you the sun by Jandy Nelson

I got this book because it has been everywhere on the book blogging community and I've only heard good things about it. It follows Noah and Jude and looks back on their relationship and why they aren't speaking anymore. Noah tells the story of when they are 13 and 
Jude when they are 16. I've always been eyeing the book because of it's beautiful cover and raving reviews so that is the reason I picked it up. 

3. I was here by Gayle Forman

This is a new release,it was released in January and I was so excited because I live Gayle Forman's writting so much. I've read the if I stay duology by her and I absolutely loved it! I was here follows Cody who tries to figure out why her best friend Meg commited suicide. Meg had gone of to college and the only way they were still involved in each other's life was by email. So in an email it's hard to get the full story. This book will be very sad in traditional Gayle Forman way. 

4. Since you've been gone by Morgan Matson

This book was $6 hardcover. Not only is that a good deal but I was gonna get that book anyway for $22 so image how happy I was to find a lonely copy in the bargain section with a $5.99 sticker on it. I took it, paid then ran before someone took it away from me. Since you've been gone was everywhere last year and it has absolutely amazing reviews on goodreads I think it's rocking a 4.08 and that is extremely rare for YA books. The story is about Emily and her best friend Sloanemysteriously disappears. But before she leaves she gives Emily a bucket list of all the things she needs to accomplish this summer and Emily does it in hopes of finding Sloana waiting for her at the end. This book just sounds extremely extremely amazing and I can't wait to get into it !!

I know I have a problem but I am getting better! My tbr will never be under 50 let's just all be honest here for one second:"). I hope you liked this post and if you guys have any books you would like me to review or read or if you have any questions what so ever you can leave a comment below or on any other one of my posts, tweet me @Glitterpoptart is my Twitter and finaly you are more than welcome to emal me at thank you so much and until next time bye :)

Saturday 24 January 2015

Rebel Belle

In this post I will do a non spoilers review of Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins. 

Rebel Belle is about a girl named Harper Price who is your typical girly girl. The night of the homecoming she goes into the bathroom to put on some lipgloss and is thrown into battle with her history teacher who is trying to kill the janitor. Right before he is about to die the janitor kisses Harper and bequeathes her with his Paladin powers. Harper's world is thrown upside down when she learns that her Paladin duties are to protect her arch nemesis David Stark. 

I gave this book 4/5 stars it was really fun. But I just didn't like the antagonist, Blair, we know next to nothing about her and she was just thrown into the story without any introduction or anything. I also didn't love to hate her and I think that that's what makes a good antagonist or villain. She was kind of just there she didn't help to the storie's plot line either. Other that that I loved Harper as the narrator and main protagonist. She was fun and very human like. SHe also didn't take super irrationnal decisions like some chacracters do in books. Rachel Hawkins' writting style really did it for me. This is categorised as fantasy but I wouldn't go too far to say that it could be considered cotmporary. I also really liked the love interest David Stark and the way he was a little awkward nerd who doesn't have many friends. I was really rooting for him to get the girl!!!. 

Finally I would recommend this book to people who are trying to get into fantasy and like contemporary. I flew thru this so it is also a very quick read. But it was definitely overhyped. So if you do go into this ingnore all the hype I know it's hard but you will enjoy it more if you don't think that this book will change your life like I did. I think that's why I gave it 4 stars I definitely would've enjoyed it more if it wasn't so hyped. 

That's it for this post and I will try to post another one before the end of this month :) 

Thursday 1 January 2015


I know I haven't uploaded in a really long time and I in 2015 I hope to update my blog more starting with this post. I am truly sorry for not uploading or not writing anything or any updates but in 2015 I will try and update at least once a month. From the bottom of my heart happy new year :).